by Sally Britton

"A viewing
            a day...
 to keep the
     blues away!"

SOH Productions

Everyone has room for improvement in their lives. I think we tend to baby ourselves. We think we need a long period of time in order to improve in a certain area. When really, if we care about someone enough, we will change for them. Or if we care about ourselves enough, we will improve in those areas we need to improve.

I read a story about a couple that lived far out in the country in a little house. They had been married for twenty seven years. Over the years, the wife had asked her husband to do some flooring. They had dirt floors inside the house. Every time, he told her that he would get around to it, but the years went by and he never got around to doing it.

One day she died. He met a younger woman, and he fell madly in love with her. She agreed to move in with him.

When she saw the house and the flooring, she asked him if he could do something about it. He told her, "Oh yes sure, I'll get around to doing it."

What she did differently than his previous wife was she said, "Okay, no problem, I'll leave my suitcases outside until the flooring is put in."

He got right on it the next day, and she had her new floor.

So what's the difference between the two women here?
One settled for waiting. She thought, "Okay... it will take him a while. I'll be patient with him." And she never got her desire.

The other one, said, "Okay, let's do it. I won't wait for it though." And he cared enough for her to do it. No complaints, no excuses.

So it's the same with our personal problems or issues, areas we need work on. Let's make our changes today, not wait till tomorrow or the next year. That time may not come.

Let's work on what we need to improve today, and let's make those changes today, not wait till tomorrow or the next year. That year may not arrive!

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