by Silvie Britton

"A viewing
            a day...
 to keep the
     blues away!"

SOH Productions

It's a funny thing isn't it, friendship?
There are people that you just like from the start. And some people seem to like you from the very beginning also..... But then, there are others it seems that no matter how hard you try, you are never quite able, to develop any kind of rapport with them. They just don't let you somehow, for some reason. I never could understand that. Maybe we are not meant to be really close friends with just everybody.

Maybe that's just what makes friends so special, their uniqueness. The Bible says, “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly.” That simply means you gotta be a friend, to have friends. A friendship has been likened to a tree. You have to nurture it, to make it grow big and strong.

Yes, Friends are good things to have. The Bible says in that same verse, “There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

I'm sure we will all agree that a friend doesn't love us "because"... but "in spite of".... Well, Jesus certainly is that kind of friend, isn't He. He loves us that way, not for anything we have done, only because HE is the embodiment of love itself, and the loving God of the universe. And His love is the cement that binds friends, that makes for a true friendship.

It takes a long time to grow an old friend. May we be loving, patient and kind to those we love, and who love us.... True friends.

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