by Silvie Britton

"A viewing
            a day...
 to keep the
     blues away!"

SOH Productions

Life can be less than perfect at times. So many people are happy and cheery as long as everything is going well, but then, once something goes differently from what they were planing, they get all down. They start murmuring and blaming others and even blaming God for their problems.

It's easy to be pleasant when everything is going well, but what is really praiseworthy is when someone can stay pleasant even when things don't go their way. The key is learning to have a thankful attitude in spite of these things, knowing that the Lord sends them to help us grow in ways we wouldn't otherwise grow in.

We need to learn to be able to go through problems without letting them unravel us and get us down and make us want to give up, but instead to trust the Lord for everything. In reality, it is kind of presumptuous to want to have everything perfect, and never shed a tear.

Do we want roses without thorns and rainbows without rain? Life all perfect without any pain? I don't think so. So, let's not be surprised when we do go through problems and realize that it's just par for the course, it's just part of life.

Let's learn to go through everything with a graceful and even thankful attitude. It says in the Bible: "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you."

So trust Him knowing that He loves us, and He gives the very best to those who leave the choices up to Him!

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