by Silvie Britton

"A viewing
            a day...
 to keep the
     blues away!"

SOH Productions

I heard my Dad talking with someone the other day about growing older. They were talking about the energy they used to have... in comparison to the tiredness they now often feel.

My Dad's friend talked about how he wished he had done some things better... how he had made mistakes... he said he had wasted so much of his life.

Now, these two men had been missionaries for many years when they were younger. As my Dad and I sat there listening to this man, "complaining" about his past, it occurred to me how silly it is for us to look back on our lives with regrets.

You know, I really think that this man, as well as my Dad, did the same as so many others have done throughout their lives... simply, day by day, step by step, the best they could!

A life is made up of minutes, of days. And ultimately how we live our lives begins right now, THIS minute.

I started thinking about my life and how I have tried, pretty much, to do my best, to treat others fairly and with consideration and respect.

The "fact" that many people feel they seemingly don't have very much to show for their lives, they feel they don't have any tangible fruits for all the things they did, for so many years isn't "proof" of their lives being wasted!

We all are tempted sometimes to see our past this way. But the fact of the matter is, if we just do the best we can, at each turn in our lives, if we seek God's guidance in our decision making, then we will have done what was right. We WILL have led profitable lives, even if at times we cannot see it with our own eyes.

Life is an accumulation of NOW moments. And if, when we grow older, looking back we can say that we did our best in those now moments we will have lived a life well spent and worthwhile.

Even though we, like my Dad and his friend, may not have the strength we used to have, even though we won't always have the energy and the stamina of youth, our lives WILL have been well spent. We WILL be able to say: We HAD the energy. And we spent it well!

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